Schedule Your EES Sessions

Providing an environment where you connect with your own healing ability

How to get the most from your QEWM experience

1.   Come hydrated. Hydration is an essential ingredient for cellular change. It is good to hydrate steadily for several days prior to your session, working up to as much as a gallon of purified water per day (which is considered clinical hydration). *Pay attention to your body's signals and drink only as much water as you can comfortably tolerate. *Adding the juice of half a lemon or pinch of sea salt to your glass of water increases the ability of your cells to absorb water.

2.   Bring a water bottle with a lid for drinking before, during and after your session. We offer you access to structured, EESystem-energized water during your visit.

3.   Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to either leave shoes just inside the door, or use disposable "booties" we provide.

4.   Bring a favorite blanket or pillow or feel free to use what we have available.

5.   Come with an open heart and mind, ready to unplug, relax, and nurture your body's natural healing ability.

6.   Close your eyes. At least 80% of your sensory energies are spent interpreting signals through the eyes. Give them a nice break.

7.   The EESystem generates bio-active scalar and photon fields, bathing every cell in photonic energy tuned to the energetic Solfeggio frequencies of pure Love. Allow yourself to move into this awareness and to ease into various states of calm, stillness, meditation, prayer, euphoria, gratitude and sleep.

8.   Use your imagination to see yourself in the energy of what you want for yourself and your/our world. Using "I am" affirmations is especially powerful in the EESystem energy field. Just a few examples: "I am healthy and well in every way," "My body is flexible/vibrant/strong/pain-free/resilient (whatever adjective you choose)" "Every day in every way I am getting better and better".

After Your Session Guidlines

Continue drinking the healthiest water available and eating a healthy diet. Take a 30-minute detox bath (or foot soak) within 24-72 hours after your session. For the bath use 2 cups sea salt (not Epsom salt) to help your cells flush toxins from your body so they do not get reabsorbed back into your cells, 2 cups of baking soda to help cope with effects of radiation, and 1 cup Borax to help cope with spike proteins in our environment.

EES Sessions

All sessions are 2 hours and you can sign up for back-to-back sessions if you want.  We have room for up to 6 people in a session at a time.

EES Session Cost 

Cost is on a donation basis of $40 to $60 a 2-hour session

Discount packages offered per person @ $30 a 2-hour session.
5 sessions for $150
10 sessions for $300
15 sessions for $450
20 sessions for $600

***Cash or checks only, please.***
Your first two hours are FREE.

By appointment only ... EES Sessions Schedule as follows:

This is a 'Fragrance-Free and Pet-Free' space, so we ask that you please refrain from wearing products with fragrance, and allow your pets to rest safely at home as a courtesy to others..

Tuesday and Thursdays
(Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for check-in as session begins at your scheduled time and will not be extended.)
Session 1 is from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Session 2 is from 12:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
Session 3 is from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

(Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for check-in as session begins at your scheduled time and will not be extended.)
Session 1 is from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Session 2 is from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.  
Session 3 is from 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Membership Required

Quantum Energy Wellness Ministry is a Private Membership Association and membership is required to participate in the sessions (it’s FREE to join). Membership applications are available to sign immediately before your first session.

Limited Overnight Sessions

Book Online

Please remember to select how many people you are booking for!

Schedule Your Appointment


Call/text (503) 999-8566 or email to set up an appointment.


4103 Sylvia St SE
Salem, OR 97317

The home is wheelchair accessible but to access the QEWM room, the wheelchair has to be LESS than 28".

We look forward to meeting you!

Christine Shepard

"The Universe doesn't speak English. It speaks frequency."
—Nassim Haramein, Physicist